Friday, August 13, 2010

Pecan Chicken with Peach Jezebel Sauce

Sorry about the picture. This dish was so good that we ate it all before taking the shot. After eating this dish at Magnolia's in Charleston (twice in one week!), we decided to try to replicate the recipe. We mixed bread crumbs and ground up pecans; a large shallot, diced; and tossed in a handful of parsley from the garden. Then we melted 3 tablespoons of butter and dredged the chicken breasts in it and then the pecan mixture. We cooked it on the stove first and then finished it under the broiler. For the Jezebel sauce, we took an entire jar of peach jam and mixed it with 2 tablespoons of horseradish and 2 tablespoons of French mustard. We spooned if over the cooked chicken. You can't tell from the picture, but we had mashed potatoes, too.

Everyone liked the pecan chicken, and it will be a new favorite at our house- even though we didn't replicate the Magnolia's dish exactly. I don't know how they get the crust so thick and brown. Next time, I'd like to try cutting cold butter directly into the pecan mixture and spreading it onto the chicken before baking it.